“Just to clear things, we didn’t go target shooting. We thought about it but we found out Saturday afternoon that the range closes on Sundays,” Angel tweeted.

Angel made the statement since eventologist Tim Yap and newscaster TJ Manotoc had a little Twitter 'argument' when TJ opposed Tim's tweet.
"Just learned that Phil Younghusband will be going out on a date with Angel Locsin tomorrow. They're gonna go target shooting. Hanep!" - tweeted by Tim on February 12.
TJ then posted a tweet a few moments after attacking Tim's post,
"sorry folks, I just checked w @PhilYHusband and as per him the shooting range date ain't true. hold ur horses!" TJ posted.
On February 13, TJ apologized to Tim and explained his tweet.
"Hey tweeps, I spoke to @iamtimyap and have apologized already, this is to apologize online as well. He is not wrong. He heard it from james. Meanwhile Phil denied it to me. So what can we do? Nothing :) let them have their peace as so they wish. Sometimes celebs admit to a few & deny to many. You can tell who is "few" & who is "many" in this situation :) thanks for understanding tim! My apologies again, you don't deserve the stupid hate being thrown your way for this."
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