Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia was the setting for the second leg of Amazing Race Asia Season 4. In this leg, the teams were tasked to dance among tribe members and touch a snake's head, eat 100 chicken balls, solve a puzzle underwater and choose from river rafting on bamboo or shooting stones on a wooden target using an object used by some Malaysian tribes in hunting.
There were many twists and turns that happened as the race progressed. The most interesting for me was the Malaysian couple winning this leg when in fact the other teams were way ahead of them since they missed the flight where most of the team were in. Luckily, they were able to catch up when other teams had a hard time eating 100 chicken balls and incurring time penalties for not finishing the underwater task.
Here is the team standings for Amazing Race Asia Season 4 Episode 2:
1. Ivan Evetovics, 33, University Lecturer | Tengku Hilda, 38, Researcher
Husband and Wife, Malaysia
2. Richard Hardin, 34, Pro Basketballer | Richard Herrera, 31, Actor
Friends, The Philippines
3. Sunaina Gulia, 31, Actress | Dimple Inamdar, 32, Actress
Travel Buddies, India
4. Sahil Banga, 25, Aspiring Actor | Manas Katyal, 23, Reality Show Bachelor
Cousins, India
5. Lim Kok Hon (Ethan), 26, Social Worker | Mohd Khairie, 25, Graduate
Friends, Malaysia
6. Alan Luk, 32, Actor | Wendy Lee, 24, Actress
Dating Couple, Hong Kong
7. Claire Goh, 21, Musician | Michelle S. Ng, 22, Actress
Rebel Pals, Singapore
8. Jacinta James (Jess), 27, Tattooist | Lani Pillinger, 27, Model
Party Girls, The Philippines
9. Natasha Sutadisastra, 24, Legal Admin | Hussein Baron S., 53, Educator
Father and Daughter, Indonesia
10. Nadine Zamira Sjarief, 26, Beauty Queen | Hilyani Hidranto (Yani), 2
Best Friends, Indonesia
Nadine and Hilyani, who were not actually the last team to arrive to the pitstop, got eliminated because of their time penalties.
Photo credits: AXN-Asia