During the past 4 years of my life, blogging became a venue for…
Freeing My Thoughts.

Since then, I used it the way I understood what it is. I immediately set up a blog using Friendster’s user-friendly interface. At first, I thought it was hard but I was wrong. It was as simple as creating an email. It is just intimidating at first because of the “this-one-is-new-I-don’t-know-how-to-do-this “idea. But I tell you, you can easily learn it.
Yup… It was just timely since I also needed a venue to vent out my thoughts and feelings because I was away from my family for school – I don’t have anyone but myself to share them to. I was a probinsyano submerged in a whole new environment of urban living. That’s the reason why I started blogging when I can have time after school, especially when I felt like I needed to get some things out of my system and when I have enough money for I only used to rent a computer in a café near my “boarding house” before.
Most of the time I blogged about school stuff – basically just commenting on a professor’s mustache, telling how I was feeling on a particular subject, describing how my day at school was, etc. I also blogged some family stuff: my thoughts on my Tito’s death, how I was missing home, some family problems and similar topics. I also wrote on personal stuff like how awful the smell of my laundry was, my longing for someone, my wishes on my birthday and the likes. (Yeah… I like the word “stuff”… :D)
I would say that it helped me a lot since I was able to ventilate my feelings. It was a good feeling of letting them all out – may it be a good feeling or thought or a bad one. It took me back to my sanity. :D

Yes, the entire thing suddenly got interactive. I thought I was just writing a diary that no one else reads. But yeah, I was wrong again. (Haha.)
I also got a little embarrassed somehow since some of the posts I made were too personal and too funny to share. I just said to myself, “It’s just my opinion, eh!” (laughter). Another thing that I was ashamed of was my grammar. I admit that I don’t have much words stored in my vocabulary and my English is faulty. I just then said, “Who cares. It’s my blog!” (But everyone gets to read it, Noypi! lol).
Yeah, during this phase of my blogging experience, I was able to communicate and share myself with others. I made friends with strangers and my old friends knew me better. (Isn’t that great? :D)
Providing Information and consequently Earning.

Yeah, all the time that I was posting on my blog, I never thought that I could have been more fruitful if I only knew that I can also earn from the thing that was giving so much benefits on me, beforehand. All I had to do was to figure out how it actually works.
And so, I read lots of online articles about earning through blogging. I applied what I learned but it wasn’t easy. I thought I would get instant results but my first month only gave me $10. And take note, so much hardwork has been exhausted to earn that amount in a month.
Yes I gave up learning how to earn through blogging. I focused on some other things although I posted once in a while when I felt like to. I also got an offline job that was taking so much of my time.
Until late September last year, when I came a across this advertising company which I got interested on… What’s good about it is that I get to interact with the community of publishers which mostly are bloggers. I started learning their ways and more other ways on how to improve my blog and my rankings.
I re-applied what I previously learned and added the new info I got. Lucky enough, I got my first Adsense payment that month. Another advertising company also paid me for the first time the same month. I focused on providing information and amazingly, it gave me some income.
My Blogging Plans and Goals for 2011.
I still consider blogging as a hobby that takes my stresses out and makes me a social being. But the fact that I could also earn while having those benefits, I thought, “Why not make the most of it and earn more?”:D
So far, I am receiving my monthly Adsense payment but it is too little for me though. I have to do a lot of things still. It’s a brand new year and so let me share to you my blogging plans and goals for 2011.

1. Improve My Stats. I am hoping for better stats this year - from the pageranks and alexa ranks of my blogs, up to their daily traffic. There is only one way to do this – I need to post as much quality content as possible.
My readings told me that “content is the king” and I have to agree with that. It is the most effective SEO (Search Engine Optimization) technique, I believe. So I better work my ass off and keep writing.
Aside from my limited vocabulary, being lazy has always been my problem. I hope I could win more battles against laziness this year. I need to be more dedicated and perhaps more inspired as well to do so. (Emo much? Haha.)
2. Get a Domain. I am realizing this in 2011. Yeah, I never had a domain since I thought it is expensive and I don’t have much savings to pay for it. I just realized a few months ago that it is affordable after all.
Having one I believe is an important aspect of SEO and would make me free from the fear that Blogger/Blogspot may delete my blogs hosted to them at anytime as what other bloggers experienced. And so I am willing to spend some of my savings and eager to learn setting up domains and backpacking to other hosts.
Well, I am also hopeful that writing this post would actually make me have one. (You’ll know why at the end of this post… :D)
3. Develop my Writing Skills. I am no writer and I don’t have much background on journalism either. Although blogging in its sense is just free-form writing, I think one must follow basic journalism principles if he/she intends to create a blog that deals with information. Since I am also relaying info through my blogs, I think I have to ponder more on those principles and maybe read news articles also so that I could have a grasp on how to write those.
To address my grammar and vocabulary issues I guess I have to spend more time in reading books and magazines also.
4. Be More Creative. I have found out that being creative is an important aspect of one’s “blogging for money endeavor”. From making a blog header to its layout and widgets, one has to show his/her creative side. He/She also has to demonstrate creativity on his/her attack on SEO. I am hopeful that I could exhibit this side of me more this year.
5. Hold a Blogversary Giveaway. One sign that a blogger is successful or contented on his/her blogging venture is when he/she already holds a giveaway. I hope that by mid-September which will be my blogging re-birth 1st anniversary, I could already facilitate a giveaway of my own. (Wish me luck! :D)
You may wonder why I suddenly created a post like this. Oh well, I am actually joining Coolbuster.net ExtraBloganza Contest. The contest is made possible by Coolbuster.net’s generous sponsors below:
- NursingUniforms.net - offers a wide range of branded nursing scrubs and lab coats
- Straw Hat Luffy - Anime, Games, Sports and Gizmos
- Make Money Online Philippines | Winziph
- Web Design Philippines
- Scolex Portal
- PCSO Lotto Results
- NLE Results - Nursing board exam results
- LET Results - Teachers' board exam results
- Talent Search News
- Computer Basics Tutorial
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